Summer Internships 2022-24

MDI Murshidabad is extremely proud and delighted to share with you the Snapshot for Summer Internship Placements of the Management Development Institute Murshidabad (MDIM), Batch of 2022–2024.

In this season, we witnessed a massive success and rise over last year’s summer placements. The average stipend increased to Rs 42,500, an enormous increase of 31.37%. The median stipend for the year also saw a 16.67% increment from 30,000 last year to 35,000 this year. This milestone was achieved in record time.

In addition, this placement season also saw new recruiters in huge numbers who exhibited their faith in our Institute by offering a variety of roles in various sectors of the industry including BFSI, IT Consulting, FMCG to name a few.

MDI Murshidabad would like to congratulate the MDIM Placement Committee for their amazing work and for breaking records while achieving new milestones. Keep up the excellent effort and raise the MDIM Flag high!!

MDI Murshidabad wish each and every member of the class of 2022-2024 a prosperous future and all the very best for all their future endeavors.

You can access the summer placement report from the following link:

Download Report

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